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2024 Hurricane Staffing Plan

2024 Hurricane Season Staffing Plan

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ICS-217A Communications Resource Worksheet

Here’s the latest update to our AUXCOMM frequencies.  The VHF & UHF frequencies are programmed into the radios at our EOC in the channel numbers shown.  This list replaces the previous ICS-205 form. AUXCOMM ICS-217A January 2024

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Amateur Radio and Severe Weather Spotting

KC3WRX’s March 15 presentation on severe weather spotting

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Transmitter Hunting

Here’s the presentation on transmitter direction finding.

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June 22, 2022 Exercise at Huntingtown High School

Here’s a picture of the antenna location we used for this exercise. The red X marks the spot. The red O is the location we used in previous hurricane/tropical storm activation’s.

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RACES Infrastructure Improvement Update – May 2022

The presentation below is an update on the RACES equipment improvement program in Calvert County. Page 15 shows the current build-out status, with completed items in blue.

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Hurricane Preparedness

So far 2018 has been quite as far as tropical weather is concerned, but we still have several months to go in the hurricane season. Here are a few useful documents and links for getting and staying prepared. MEMA Hurricane … Continue reading

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Preparedness: Wildfires

September is National Preparedness Month and each week we’re looking at different disasters that should be prepared for.  This week we’re talking about wildfires. When I think wildfire I think of the northwest.  Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Colorado, Montana, and Wyoming … Continue reading

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Pre-planning for Yourself

Pre-planning is one of the most important aspects of an emergency response.  Without pre-planning you have no organized structure to underpin your response.  An unfolding emergency is not the time to gather your thoughts on what you need to do. … Continue reading

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What is a watch?

March is the time when we start to see more severe weather.  It’s always good to get a refresher on what the terminologies mean…

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